


365平台壮观的85,000-square-foot Armour 学术中心 opened in fall 2009 and includes a humanities wing and a math and science wing, 围绕着位于中央的玻璃中庭. 在观赏风景, LEED gold certified building boasts small class sizes that encourage student interaction, 最先进的技术, 丰富的非正式会议空间, and large windows that capture natural light and breathtaking views of the Farmington Valley.
armor体现了365平台的四个核心价值观-社区, 字符, balance and involvement – because it provides formal and informal spaces for discussion, 放松和学习, as well as 最先进的技术 and materials to ensure the highest level of teaching and learning. 在一天中的任何时间, you can find students doing research or working through problem sets in the 科尔库, 聚集在一间自习室, 在中庭闲逛,吃零食, 或者在冈德房间的壁炉旁静静地阅读. 装甲提供资源, 包括一个16个座位的天文馆, 演讲厅和令人印象深刻的实验室, 使学生和教师能够探索科学, math and the humanities in brightly-lit spaces specially designed for teaching and learning. Armour brings the community together by encouraging engagement with academics and each other.


Every classroom in the center offers state-of-the-art educational technology to enhance teaching and learning. 复杂的交互式白板等工具, multimedia players and advanced sound systems make it possible for Westminster teachers to bring global information into their classrooms at the touch of a fingertip and to share and save work instantaneously.
而大多数学生带着笔记本电脑去学校, desktop computers are available for individual work or group instruction in the computer lab and 科尔库. 图书馆还提供了一间配有全套视听设备的教室.


从青少年收藏, 致力于青少年阅读和成长信息, 对融入课程的严谨的研究项目, 365平台大学的科尔图书馆为学生和教师提供专注和灵活的服务. 精心挑选的非小说类书籍和在线资源, 连同我们的馆际互借服务, 促进研究和学习.
多种多样的标题选择, 从古典到当代作品应有尽有, 支持快乐阅读, and frequently refreshed topical displays keep students abreast of current issues and alert them to new and appealing materials. 图书管理员, with campus organizations and the community at large to promote library services and library-sponsored special events. 我们有三位经验丰富的图书管理员. Johri,夫人. 格里菲斯和夫人. 史蒂文斯, 欢迎你的建议, 请求, 支持学生努力的问题和机会.


巴克斯特画廊, 毗邻阿默学术中心的阿姆斯特朗中庭, 展示学校永久收藏的绘画, 19世纪末到21世纪初的版画和雕塑. 这些藏品包括365平台校友创作的作品, 前教师, and internationally-known artists that was generously donated to the school by Westminster alumni and their families. 每年春天, 画廊被改造成一年一度的校友艺术展的展览空间, 展示几个校友艺术家的作品. 
各个层次的学生在校园的各种可见空间展示他们的作品, including the intimate Hamilton Art Gallery and the 教堂 Gallery which features several student and faculty exhibits each year.


  • 领先的绿色设计

    Armour 学术中心 was awarded LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) gold certification by the U.S. 绿色建筑委员会认证,并由绿色建筑认证协会认证.  它获得了能源使用金牌认证, 照明, water and material use as well as for incorporating a variety of other sustainable strategies. It is one of the first facilities to use a geothermal heat exchange system on a large-scale basis.
    The green design and construction features that positively impact the project itself and the broader community include:
    • A geothermal heat exchange system with 72 wells that are 500 feet deep is estimated to save about $20,5万美元的燃料费用,并在5年内收回成本. The building is expected to exceed the latest energy codes on energy consumption by an estimated 33 percent.
    • Ninety percent of the spaces occupied by students and teachers have direct views to the outdoors, 环境的改善已被证明可以提高生产力.
    • The ventilation system provides fresh air that exceeds code requirements and creates a healthier learning environment.
    • 高效机械系统, 增加绝缘, 智能玻璃和高效照明设计将节省约37%的能源成本.
    • Water-efficient plumbing fixtures will cut water usage by 40 percent compared to a conventional building and provide an annual savings of 155,000加仑水.
    • The irrigation system will reduce water consumption by 50 percent and provide an annual savings of 1 million gallons of water.
    除了, 该中心采用低气体排放涂料, adhesives and carpets; building materials with a recycled content that averages 20 percent; built-in recycling bins; accommodations for bicycles; and preferred parking for fuel-efficient and car pool vehicles. 该项目产生的废物中有75%被回收利用.



P. (860) 408-3000
F. (860) 408 3001
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